Monday, March 9, 2009

Word Gardens

"And if I say something good, then it is like watching my own garden grow, and that is the greatest pleasure ever. That's what Aisha and I are doing. We're planting a garden with our words. Our future. Everything careful and chosen well so the shoots come up strong and straight."
Chapter 9 page 79

I liked this paragraph because I thought that the idea of planting a garden with your words is really cool. It makes me imagine all the different gardens you could grow. Someone who was really mean and cursed a lot might have a garden full of weeds and bristles, and someone with a large, colorful vocabulary would have a large, colorful garden, with big, bright flowers. 


  1. Yes, i really liked the thought of planting a garden with your own words, too. i really thought this was a good quote/paragraph.
    Its very descriptive with its own meaning.

  2. I also liked the idea of a garden of words. :)

  3. Okayyyyyy, so now that we're supposed to respond, I'll say some more. :) So, I liked the idea of the garden of words. It paints a picture in my mind. I think the author did a great job with this quote. I like your picture you described.

  4. i think this quote means, when you have a good personality and you use the correct words in curtain situations, then your future will be strong. it seems like nadira (and maybe aisha too) are going to start using words "too carefully". it might seem like they practiced what they were going to say before they start the conversation with someone. this my make their "future garden" grow tall but when you are yourself in life, i think that your "future garden" will grow even taller.

    p.s. i too got an image in my head from this quote! :D

  5. i don't know if what i just said made any sense! does anyone get what i was TRYING to say?

  6. I love how you (Adrienne) wrote that the bristles of a plant in the "garden" were associated with a mean/cursing person. I think that the relationship Nadira and Aisha have is like a garden of cacti and they need it to become more like a garden of blossoming flowers and shrubs. My prediction is that a big event is going to happen soon that will be the "Miracle Gro" for Aisha and Nadira's garden of words.

  7. This is a very cool quote I can see the garden of words in my paint. I think it really expresses how Nadira and Aisha are going about this hard situation. I agree with alex about how the relationship and how it is changing.

  8. I agree with Alex. Adrienne, when you said that when you curse/be mean to other people, I totally agreed with you. I also agreed with you when you said that your garden would blossom more if you used beautiful and colorful vocabulary. I think that this picture really describes well and makes pictures in a lot of our heads.

  9. I really like the idea of the word garden too. Like what Carolyn said, I agree with what you said about the blossoming, and also with the weeds and bristles. I think the gardens of the girls are very different, but now that they are bonding, they might start to be similar.

  10. Sometimes this book has some really good details, and this one is up there. I liked the idea of planting a seed with your words as well. I agree with julianna, who agreed with Carolyn, who agreed with Alex. I think that their relationship will grow, as Aisha realizes that she can't go POOF and everything will be better. Also Nadira is sticking up for herself more, and I think that Aisha is recognizing that, and is taking Nadira more seriously.

  11. I agree with Elana about your garden growing bigger when you are yourself, instead of compromising your spirit to fit everyone else's expectations. However, in this situation, I think that it is imparitive that they be careful.

  12. I think this is a beautiful metaphor. Nadira is finally realizing that she and her sister can work together to achieve something. As mentioned in an earlier paragraph, Aisha moves at a fast pace but sometimes loses herself, while Nadira moves slow but steady and keeps her head on her shoulders. The two sisters' personalities balance each other out, and it will ultimately make them work more efficiently together.

  13. I like this quote but it puts no image in my mind.

  14. I really liked this quote too. the images are so pretty. All of their good ideas are blossoming into big colorful flowers, and that every step forward waters the flowers so that they grow bigger and stronger. I hope that Aisha and Nadira continue to grow their flowers big and strong so that the sisters can get their families out of jail and back home where they belong.

  15. No one pointed out my awesome Miracle Gro analogy! I thought that was AWESOME. Oh well.

    As I have been reading when ever the Aisha-Nadira relationship is highlighted by the author I think of their garden growing bigger. Also when Aisha and Nadira were working together on the letter to the congressman they are building a separate garden and shipping off to the congressman while at the same time this builds a garden of teamwork and friendship between Nadira and Aisha.

  16. I thought this was a cool metaphor. I think that this was saying that "the garden" (or their future, I guess) would grow depending on what Aisha and Nadira told people. "Everything careful and chosen well so the shoots come up strong and straight." I also think this says that Aisha and Nadira have to be sure to make the right choices for their family to make everything work out alright.
